New At-a-Glance Lesson Status in Unique Learning System

The new Turn In capability in Unique Learning System is a fantastic addition that lets students, caregivers, and teachers easily see progress on activities and improves data collection, too—especially helpful during remote learning! Also, two new Feed Symbolsaurus games in L3 Skills build letter and word recognition with the help of a hungry dinosaur.

Turn In Capability

Everyone will love the Turn In update! Caregivers and students who sign into Student View can quickly see which assigned activities are finished and which ones are not, which helps students develop independence and focus on task completion. The Turn In button for each activity now provides a clear way for learners to submit their work each time.

Teachers and service providers can promptly note which assigned activities are complete, saving time and aiding decisions on what’s next for each student. They’ll have better performance data to examine since learners will have a more consistent way to exit activities. And three locations for activity status (Lesson Status, Daily Scores and Observations, and Teacher Reports) give educators flexibility in how they check progress.

Learn about Student Options for Turning In Their Work

Feed Symbolsaurus Games

Symbolsaurus only wants to eat symbols that begin with a certain letter (either A or C) in these two games. Students must identify the correct symbol for each word that’s spoken and drag it to the dinosaur’s mouth to see it eat. After each chomp, players are rewarded with a happy “thank you.”

See How to Add Games to a Player’s Dashboard

Sign In and Try Out the New Games