News2you Student T-Shirt Design Contest

The t-shirt contest is now complete. You can check out the winning submission now in Today’s Weather!

Students can design t-shirts for their person in Today’s Weather! Submit as many designs as needed.

What is it?

Do your students look forward to dressing their person in Today’s Weather? Now they can design a t-shirt in our fun new contest! The winner’s design will be live in Today’s Weather as an option for everyone to choose from.

How do my students enter?

First, download a t-shirt template that your students will use to showcase their creativity. Then, upload submissions using our Google form (teachers can submit as many forms as needed).

When is it?

The contest runs from April 22 to May 6. The winner’s teacher will be contacted the week of May 6, and the t-shirt design will be live in News2you the following week. Plus, the winner’s class will receive n2y-branded lanyards and a gift card for an end-of-year party!
