Robert SalzmanSpeech-Language Pathologist, Gettysburg Area School District, PA

Aside from using News-2-You in the schools, I have also used News-2-You in the hospital setting in the sub-acute or rehabilitation unit. The advanced content, as well as worksheets provided, are valuable tools in the rehabilitation of patients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury. I honestly can say that having News-2-You is a must for me in my profession and is among the top few resources I consistently turn to in my day-to-day work with people of all ages.
Minda GarciaSelf Contained Life Skills Teacher, Clark County School District, NV

I really found Positivity to be extremely useful in regards to the types of students I work with. I found it to be a very nice and beneficial program to have and thought it was a very welcomed addition to what I already use and implement in my classroom. With it being electronic I found it cut down on a lot of time I would normally spend on changing schedules, changing incentives, and implementing strategies. Not only did it go over well with my students, but the benefits encountered while using Positivity are invaluable. I think any teacher who works with students who have behavior difficulties would see the benefit of this program. I honestly cannot say enough good things about Positivity and I feel extremely blessed to have been a part of the Beta testing. Thank you so much for the opportunity and I wish you much success as Positivity is rolled out in the future!
Stacia HelmerTeacher, Fillmore Unified School District, CA

Excellent curriculum for students who need reading support! They have changed the look of moderate to severe special education programs! Thank you for your dedication and drive for rigorous curriculum!
Becca ChristensenTeacher, North Bend Central Public Schools, NE

SymbolStix PRIME has allowed me to create social stories and visual schedules with little hassle or materials. The program is easy to use, and by saving it, I can go back in and make changes quickly and easily. Thanks, n2y!
Patricia JuarezAlternate Curriculum Support Teacher, Los Angeles Unified School District, CA

I have witnessed how Unique Learning System has helped to change the landscape of instruction for students with moderate to severe disabilities. The introduction of this curriculum has changed the way students are able to access instruction and has changed the way teachers are able to plan, both in single classrooms and collaboratively, in that students are now receiving the same instruction throughout the district.
Frank GutierrezSpecial Education Coordinator, Unified Independent School District, TX

At a district level, we are ALL extremely thankful for these products. Now our students can follow one curriculum from Early Childhood all the way to after Graduation without losing any data. Students now have a starting point at the beginning of each school year, and no data is lost when transitioning from elementary to middle, or middle to high school. From a district level, we’re also able to monitor teacher/student usage. In addition, teachers can monitor student growth based on their monthly checkpoint. These programs are GREAT and highly recommended to anyone interested. They will do all the work for you, so teachers only have to worry about teaching.
April VockeTeacher, Providence Public School District, RI

News-2-You and Unique Learning System are awesome! I use both in my classroom every day as well as SymbolStix PRIME! I can’t say enough good things about how these tools have helped me to be a better teacher and how they have helped my students learn age-appropriate curriculum. They have pre- and post-assessments in an easy, differentiated format. It frees me up from creating materials and allows me to become a better teacher. I can focus on the topic each week/month and expand on the ideas and find ways to include my students with their peers, who are often studying some of the very same things! I love, love, LOVE the n2y products!!!!!
Melissa FrutrellParent, Jacksonville, FL

Unique Learning System seems to be exactly what my son needs! It’s so great because the content is age-appropriate while still being at his level. FINALLY, something that fits him like a glove. Thank you!
Jennifer GrahamTeacher, New York City Department of Education, NY

My students have such a hard time listening to stories and an even harder time reading them. With News-2-You, they enjoy listening to the stories read aloud. Even better, they can read stories to their classmates just by touching a button.
Emily AmbersAdapted Curriculum Classroom Teacher, Bonham Middle School Amarillo ISD, TX

I love the idea of Positivity. Schedules and routines are so crucial in my classroom and I love that my students’ schedules can be incorporated into our use of n2y. My students and I really enjoyed the breath strategy and we begin our morning lessons with this strategy. Overall, I enjoyed using Positivity.
Sara HarringtonSpecial Education Teacher, Erath Middle School, LA

My students loved the alarms! They followed through with what each alarm was set for. They loved the idea of being filmed modeling the action for their peers (when I created video modeling shorts for transitions). They love seeing themselves on the big screen. My student who is on a separate schedule thrived with this additional program as she loved receiving incentives specifically designed for her motivation. My para’s also loved knowing what to do and when to do it! They no longer needed to have the alarms set on their phones! When they are out, I won’t have to worry about missing an alarm. Positivity is a creative and inventive platform for teachers to engage students in self-management techniques that can practically run itself!
Jennifer GonzalezTeacher, West Haven Board of Education, CT

Never before, as long as I’ve been an educator, have I witnessed the many successes this curriculum affords my students! For over two years, your curriculum has allowed my students to demonstrate outstanding growth in academic and social skill areas. This curriculum is unbelievably wonderful!
Mickie KorabTeacher, Lubbock Independent School District, TX

Love News-2-You! I’ve been using it for nearly 20 years and have seen tremendous growth in my students. One of my favorite stories is about a little guy we had a while back, who had some significant disabilities, and after reading News-2-You for a couple of days, he returned to school and said: “Miss, I saw this on the news with my dad and we talked about it.” I thought, how wonderful, what a great communication opportunity for their family.
Marcy MeyerTeacher, Community Consolidated School District 15, IL

Unique Learning System has changed the way I teach in a positive way. My students are exposed to so much content each month, and it’s so manageable as a teacher. Gone are the days where I have to completely create my core curriculum from scratch! Thanks, n2y!