There are
no small moments

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See how Unique Learning System can make a difference in your district and also help with the pressing need for learning acceleration.
The life‑changing solution
for special education
Maybe a teacher read your work to the class. Or maybe she squeezed your hand when she looked you in the eye and told you how proud she was. How long do these moments last? Three minutes? Three seconds? The real answer is forever, because they’re the moments that make a huge difference in young lives. Every minute teaching has the potential to be a life‑changing moment, and Unique Learning System’s proven, comprehensive, and consistent pre‑K through transition instruction helps teachers make all of those moments happen.
n2y has a 25‑year history as the special education leader, serving over four million students, driving measurable growth, and proving Everyone Can Learn.
Unique Learning System is the only solution to provide comprehensive and current pre‑K–transition instruction, including materials for teaching and learning every core subject plus life skills.
Multiple research‑based teaching strategies for special education and differentiated instruction combine with dependable data to meet a wide range of student needs, and help students pace with the general education curriculum.