CARES Act Funding for Special Education What You Need to Know
Download GuideDuring the school shutdown in response to the coronavirus, some districts have struggled to provide special education instruction and services, and students may have experienced skill regression as a result. How will your district address these challenges when school resumes in the fall? Financial help is available through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which links billions of dollars in new federal funding streams for K–12 education. n2y and Education Week have partnered to create an overview of what educators need to know to access the funds and invest them in academic programs, technology, and services for special education.
You’ll learn:
- How your district can gain access to funds that have been earmarked for education
- What allowable uses are, especially as they relate to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- About specific available resources that align with federal stimulus objectives