Developing Data‑Driven IEPs
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See how easy access to critical data throughout the IEP process will support the entire team and ensure fidelity.
Help Students Meet High Expectations
It’s critical that unique learners have the right level of challenge to help them achieve their potential and work toward independence. And the key to identifying that individualized support is reliable data. With easy access to comprehensive, consistent, and accurate student data, educators across the country are using Polaris to create SMART goals that will ensure successful outcomes. And when they’re executing the IEP, Polaris gives them powerful progress monitoring tools to inform instruction and continually elevate student achievement, bringing the IEP process full circle!
Start Strong with Reliable Data
Beginning with the needs assessment, Polaris empowers your team to collaborate in developing the most accurate present levels of student performance statement (PLAAFP) using included profiles, assessments, and rubrics that are tied to standards.
Make Informed Decisions and
Accurate Predictions
Combining the essential data from the PLAAFP with observational input from parents, caregivers, and educators, Polaris recommends realistic and attainable goals, accommodations, and modifications. While executing the IEP, educators receive automated reports with aim lines and trend lines to support optimizing instruction in a timely way.
Support Participation and Self‑Advocacy
Providing relevant goals and a view into their own progress, Polaris gives students a voice and motivates them to participate in every facet of their individualized journeys, from ELA and math, to social‑emotional‑behavioral, communication, and adaptive/functional domains.