Break Cards

Teach students an appropriate
replacement behavior

For unique learners who need help to cope with difficult or overwhelming situations, knowing when to request a break—and how to do it without disrupting instructional time—is an important life skill that must be explicitly taught. Positivity’s flexible strategy allows you to build executive functioning in all environments.

Prevent disruptions
with pre-planned breaks

Positivity helps you instill the appropriate way to request a break by enabling you to pre‑assign break cards online and deliver them right to your students’ daily schedules. When you’ve identified events or activities that might provoke a disruption, give individual students the power to tap on a break card and quietly exit to a predetermined location. Positivity will deliver your audible cue for them to return to work.

Help students find positive ways to refocus

For students who get overwhelmed easily, receiving on‑demand break cards in Positivity provides them with an empowering tool for alleviating stress and refocusing on learning.

Implement with fidelity
and best practices

  • Once you’ve taught students the appropriate way to request a break, as well as the parameters and location for the break, use Positivity to ensure their assigned break cards are visible to at times you want them available.
  • Determine the acceptable duration for a student’s break and select appropriate verbal cues to be delivered by Positivity at the beginning and end of the break period.
  • Slowly attempt to extend the time between assigned breaks to increase the student’s ability to remain in the instructional setting (pair the strategy with Incentives to reward students for building their time on task).

Are you ready to see it in action?

The time is now! See for yourself why educators across the country rely on n2y’s products and vision to elevate the quality of education for students with unique learning needs.
