Set a Path to Success with GPS

Goals, Preferences, and Skills can point the way

To ensure the best outcomes with Unique Learning System, the GPS assessment hub guides educators in implementing with fidelity. The student profiles you create in GPS enable the entire instructional team to determine each student’s current levels of performance, develop individualized education program (IEP) goals, and collect and evaluate data to define the next appropriate goal for a student. GPS is truly a guiding force for special educators and students alike!

Activate GPS for differentiation levels

Getting started is simple. The instructional team enters standards-based descriptions of a student’s performance in the student profile, helping to identify a differentiation level. Unique Learning System will automatically generate instructional materials for the student at the appropriate level. This design promotes the inclusion of ALL students in standards-based instruction. Profile descriptors may also provide the basis for the present level of performance statements.

Unique Learning System GPS Student Profile

Observe, track skills, and monitor growth

Skill Tracking in the GPS Profile provides a convenient summary of all the relevant resources available in Unique Learning System to help students achieve their goals—instructional strategies, lessons, assessments, and more. Each tracked skill provides a place for the educational team to write the correlating IEP goal. Track student results against identified goals or standards and create a snapshot of overall growth at the student, classroom, or program level, with customized, intuitive graphs.

Select timely
assessment options

Tracking skills in GPS leads to an individualized recommendation on which assessments a student should take. Support includes alignment with the student’s differentiation level, optimal timing of the assessment, goal planning, and more.

Reading, writing, and math Benchmark assessments identify present levels of performance in easy‑to‑read, automatic summaries to inform instruction and demonstrate a learner’s growth over time. When ULS and Polaris are used together, student data in GPS syncs with Polaris automatically to support IEP compliance.

Recommendations for individualized student assessments to aid in goal development.

Are you ready to see it in action?

The time is now! See for yourself why educators across the country rely on n2y’s products and vision to elevate the quality of education for students with unique learning needs.
