Give the Gift of Lifelong Learning

n2y Staff

With the holiday season just around the corner, you’re probably in search of the perfect gift for your loved one. Whether that be a son, daughter, grandchild, sibling or close friend, your gift list may include someone with unique learning needs. Finding the perfect gift may seem difficult because you want something that that is age-appropriate, safe, educational and fun.

You may even be asking yourself,
“How do I find a gift that includes all of these things?”

The answer is simple”¦

L3 Skills promotes lifelong learning through age-appropriate online activities that are not only fun, but allow individuals to master educational concepts and life-building skills.

L3 Skills on tablet and phone

Cultivate a Sense of Accomplishment, Pride and Enjoyment

Provide your loved one with unique learning needs an online adventure with over 140 games and activities that simulate real world context. Through engaging graphics and relevant content, L3 Skills captures the imagination and builds self-confidence. Single switch accessibility is also included as part of the 12-month subscription. Through the games, players will locate Lucy the dog, form sentences with SymbolSaurus, pack for camping trips, serve in a restaurant, shoot hoops to match words and much, much more.

By choosing L3 Skills for a gift, you’re providing an educational and entertainment experience with an impact that could last a lifetime. So, what are you waiting for? Order your subscription to L3 Skills today and give the gift of learning this holiday season.

About the Author

n2y’s staff works closely with educators, in‑house experts, and program developers to share the latest topics and timely thought leadership from the field. It’s our goal to help keep you informed and ready to serve your students!
