As an educator, you no doubt have experience contributing to Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Which means you understand the long hours dedicated to planning, writing, executing, and reporting in order to ensure students are on a path to success. You may even have experienced the challenges of finding an efficient way to collaborate, the pressure of writing standards‑aligned goals, the quest for efficient and ongoing data collection, and the need to ensure the completed IEP is meaningful and executed with integrity.
We hear YOU! For more than 20 years, we’ve worked tirelessly to improve the lives of our students and those who serve them. And because our team is made up of special educators as well as parents and caregivers of unique learners, we bring an exceptional spirit, compassion, and expertise to all we do. That’s why, when we set out to build the ideal student‑centered compliance solution to improve the lives of each member involved in the IEP process, we kept the focus on positivity, team empowerment, and always ensuring students are at the heart of our vision.
Polaris was created to unite stakeholder teams and guide them through each stage of the IEP process, allowing them to say “good‑bye” to the complexities of yesterday’s compliance process and say “welcome” to helping every student find their path to the north star. Our revolutionary solution simplifies the roadmap process from start to finish, empowering practitioners to plan, write, execute, and report on student progress, all in one beautiful, collaborative place.
Deliver exceptional outcomes with Polaris
Create truly personalized, data‑driven roadmaps that address the needs of the whole student
Polaris uses the integration of accurate, up‑to‑date, and highly visible student performance data to inform decisions in the IEP roadmap process. Easily access materials such as recommended assessments, rubrics, profiles, and instructional resources, as well as integrated data from other n2y solutions, including Unique Learning System, for a streamlined process.

Synchronize the entire stakeholder team with a seamless, time‑saving, collaborative system
Seamless collaboration is achieved through Polaris’ powerful task management and workflows, saving educators valuable time they can devote to helping students achieve. Additionally, the timeline prompts, progress notifications, and goal‑driven execution suggestions make it easier for team members to communicate in real time with one another and keep their focus on the student.

Easily maintain and demonstrate efficacy and compliance every step of the way
Polaris’ robust, guided system helps teams collaborate and build meaningful, standards‑based IEPs. With easily accessible information, highly visual reports, and clear insights, the entire IEP team is on the same page, ensuring each stage of the process is executed with fidelity, accountability, and compliance.