Turn Data from
Reports into Action

Data-driven decision-making fosters achievement

Make informed decisions whether you are a teacher or administrator with a range of easy‑to‑read reports within Unique Learning System. Performance data helps keep the learning on track and ensures students are making progress toward their goals, whether they’re studying in school or remotely. In addition, ensure families stay up to date on their child’s development with progress reports that are easily shared.

Improve student engagement and growth

Unique Learning System’s reports provide actionable insight into learners’ development for everyone—administrators, teachers, and families.

Observational profiles

Observations shared by IEP team members can better prepare them for productive IEP planning, goal writing, and implementation. A student’s profile gathers each person’s input into one convenient access point.

Student Profile Detail page allows team members to share observations.

See the big picture with Benchmark Reports

Benchmark Reports enable teachers and administrators to review assessments that students have completed and, based on identified skill levels and development, adapt instruction to foster achievement and meet IEP goals. Not only does Unique Learning System save time for educators by tabulating results automatically, but the charts and graphs in the reports clearly present the data so critical for decision-making and for demonstrating compliance.

View and share daily progress reports

Teachers and students benefit from having a measure of progress toward academic standards mastery in between assessments throughout the school year. Gain instant insight via Student Daily Performance Reports run by lesson or standard that compile daily scores from the monthly unit, science and social studies courses, and Classics.

A Daily Progress Report allows both teacher and student to measure progress.

Student Daily Performance

Since engaged parents mean improved outcomes, educators can use the powerful reporting from Student Daily Performance tracking to keep families up to date on their child’s growth and areas of need.

A Student Daily Performance reports can shared with families.

Use Checkpoints Reports for targeted instruction

Timely adjustments to instruction that take individual student growth into account are key to standards mastery. Checkpoints Reports compile monthly pre- and post-assessments of knowledge and skills in all the disciplines covered by Unique Learning System, so teachers can monitor progress and compare test results in multiple areas for each student, or for the entire class. Administrators can view individual and classroom reports on scores, skills, and trends to aid decisions on school supports and personnel.

Unique Learning System Administrator Reports

Checkpoint Detailed Analysis Report

IEP planning is easier when informed by data in this report, which can show areas of skill deficiency that a student is more likely to work on mastering within an IEP year.

A detailed Checkpoint Analysis Report helps teachers locate gaps.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Analysis Report

Teachers can decide on instructional strategies that will assist students in progressing toward the targeted assessment items with the help of easy-to-understand stoplight indicators for the assessment areas of content understanding, reading, and mathematics.

A Bloom's Taxonomy report from Unique Learning System

Student Summary Report

The details of each student’s assessment answers reveal their engagement and responsiveness—useful for adapting instruction to individual needs.

Details of each student's answers are shown in the Student Summary Report.

Stay current with staff login and usage reports

Administrators can quickly generate a range of useful reports as they track school progress during the year, including Benchmark and Checkpoint completion status, group and individual login statistics, and more.

Adminstrator reports can help track usage, assessment and other system activities

Are you ready to see it in action?

The time is now! See for yourself why educators across the country rely on n2y’s products and vision to elevate the quality of education for students with unique learning needs.
