More Efficient Scheduling and a New Golf Game

Creating student schedules in Unique Learning System is more efficient than ever: Now My Plan allows copying of activities from block to block into more than one day. And students who have mastered the first Type Golf: Core Vocabulary game in L3 Skills have a new challenge!

Easily Fill Days or Weeks With Activities

Need to copy content into multiple days in your My Plan? Quickly copy activities from one block to another with the latest update to Unique Learning System! This time-saver makes it easy to extend the learning and give students enough time to learn remotely.

Read About the New Easy Copy Method

Type Golf: Core Vocabulary Set 2

Students return to the driving range and work on their language arts, word recognition and fine motor skills in this new golf game. Each bucket of balls presents words that correspond to SymbolStix Squares Core Vocabulary Set 2. A correct answer sends a ball flying toward one of the practice holes—will it be close or, even better, in the hole?

See How to Add Games to a Player’s Dashboard