Hour of Code Newspaper
The newspaper focuses on the topic of coding, Computer Science Education Week and the Hour of Code event organized by Code.org. The newspaper also includes a science experiment, craft, recipe and comprehension activities. The Hour of Code newspaper will be available to News‑2‑You subscribers from Nov. 29, 2018, through Dec. 13, 2018.

n2y Coding Activity
Inspired by the Hour of Code event, n2y created a symbol-supported coding activity for students with intellectual disabilities. The activity focuses on moving an object, in this case Bitt Bott, to a target. Students must choose which arrow represents the correct direction. The level of difficulty increases through different obstacles Bitt Bott must avoid. The activity practices coding through following directions.

Additionally, a Certificate of Completion will be awarded at the end of the coding activity to congratulate students on their hard work. The newspaper and coding activity will be available in different levels so students can have an individualized learning experience that matches their abilities. Download the coding activity and take part in the Hour of Code or the learning movement surrounding it through these fun, accessible activities made for everyone.